Founded by attorneys and qmes with ame experience, Quality Medical Evaluations provides physicians with unparalleled report writing guidance, medical-legal consultation and education.
Physicians benefit from an association with our affiliated companies www.ndeval.com and firstmedicalexperts.com, offering the opportunity for AME, Long Term Disability and Civil Litigation work.
Please give us a call at 424-320-2446. We are more than happy to schedule an appointment or answer any questions that you may have regarding our group and/or affiliates.
Need to schedule a PQME?

We are currently seeking new physicians to join our team of highly qualified providers. Quality Medical Evaluators provides all the tools our associate physicians need in order to deliver accurate evaluations efficiently.

Injured workers, worker’s attorneys, or insurance companies select a Qualified Medical Evaluation to examine injuries and prepare a med-legal report to help resolve a workers’ comp case.
Quality Medical Evaluators provides highly experienced physicians to complete Qualified Medical Evaluations for attorneys, insurance companies, and workers’ compensation claimants. Our physicians survey patients’ injuries and prepare a med-legal report to help resolve a case.